Thursday, September 13, 2018

Film Form in The Lady From Shanghai (clink on picture for scene analysis)

'The Lady From Shanghai'(Welles, 1947) adopts features of film noir. Film noir has a very unique look. It emerged from Hollywood at the end of World War 2 and takes inspiration from German Expressionism. The films are black and white and have a bleak almost pessimistic look. LFS follows a circular narrative and the plot is solving a mystery.

Image result for lady from shanghai

  • Cinematography - close-ups are used so characters' emotions and facial expressions can be displayed i.e  
  • Lighting - helps build the mood and can show the characters' view of each other i.e Michael thinks Elsa is beautiful and exotic 
  • Mise-en-scene - exotic locations and elaborate backgrounds, cigarettes
  • Sound - voiceovers are used to show Michae's sense of confusion
  • Femme fatale - independence of woman 

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Scene Analysis